Sunday, May 16, 2010


We recieved a very caring and powerful prayer from a friend today.  What better way to start off the RESTORE travel day 1 than to share it with you. Please join with us...

"Lord of the Universe and Lord of this earth, make a way for the scattered members of the Worshiplanet Band to gather for the restore project. We know that it has been prompted by your Spirit to begin the call to Europe to return to its roots, to be restored in a right relationship with you through your only Son. Part the ashes of this volcano as you parted the sea for Moses and the children of Israel, make a way for each individual on the team, from drivers to techies, to musicians and vocalists. And especially thank you for the people that you are calling to these events now, stirring in their hearts a longing they did not know they had to be RESTORED to you. 

Hear our cry great God in heaven, and fill these houses with your Spirit, with your people, and with those who hunger for you. Make yourself known in ways unimaginable that can only be explained as miraculous. Do what you do best Father. We trust in you, and pray in your precious Son's name! Amen" 

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