Saturday, March 27, 2010

Prague Day 2

Until today the focus of this trip has been primarily on logistics but after walking into St. MIkulas Church in Prague it all changed.  It’s a wonderfully magnificent building with amazing art but what gave me chills down to my feet was the small, relatively insignificant figurine that took front and centre of the whole cathedral. It was the high and lifted up Lamb of God.  It was the first thing that really captured our attention among the priceless art and blissful bling filling the interior of the church.  Mark’s new song, Behold the Lamb, was surely written in his spirit, knowing that in Prague (and in heaven) the Lamb will be our focus.
Klara met us early this morning for coffee. She is our violinist for this trip but will also serve as today’s translator. A job that she was a bit nervous about. We went over our list of questions that we would need answered from the Cathedral’s Pani Blazek and she seemed satisfied that she understood them. Concept often triumphs over preciseness in translation and was indeed the case for Klara.
Mark and I sat down for a light lunch on the banks of the Vlatava.  It was then that we started feeling the spiritual weight of such an undertaking.  What was once a walk of faith is now reality. By God’s mercy this project’s train has left the station and there is no turning back.  Over potato soup we had to build our faith back up by reminding one another of the miracles that had gotten us this far.  The team of behind the scenes people, the financial donors, the intercessors, the miracle of permission to film in four Cathedrals – for free, and the list went on and on. By the time the coffee arrived our slightly wobbly knees felt strong again.  It is good to rehearse aloud the goodness of God and the faithfulness and generosity of His people. Fear and doubt slowly fade and faith grows brighter once again.

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